Financial Education
Financial Education Intent
We aim to foster an awareness of the crucial nature finance plays in everyday life, so we feel it is important to teach our BPS children about Financial Literacy.
Our ambition is to create a culture where our children can understand and respect the value of money whilst making sensible financial choices. Within our curriculum, we will bring our finance lessons to life within many subject areas by linking financial learning to real life contexts, adapting teaching to the ever-changing financial climate the children grow up in. We want to equip children with the awareness that having and spending money is not the root of all happiness. We want to prepare our children to have a brighter financial future with an informed mind-set towards finance, leading to fulfilled, happy and purposeful lives.
Financial Education Implementation
EYFS - Trip to our local Tesco (soup making), Money Sense Workshops for all year groups, Money Heroes reading sessions (ebooks and hard copies), Year 5 and 6 'Young Enterprise' 'Fiver Challenge' to raise funds for our local charity (Matthew Hackney Foundation), class cake sales, Money Week - Summer Term, Money Ambassadors.
We host an annual Careers' Week - we were delighted to have various visitors from different careers (veterinary nurse, a website designer, an accountant, a sculptor, a solicitor, a mechanic, a swimming coach, an immigration officer, a policeman, a graphic designer and much more).
We follow the Young Money Primary Planning Framework - Financial Education Primary Planning Framework.
All year groups work through a sequence of lessons that ensures progression of financial education knowledge, skills and attitudes through four key themes:
• How to manage money;
• Becoming a critical consumer;
• Managing risks and emotions associated with money;
• Understanding the important role money plays in our lives.
Lessons are carefully sequenced so prior knowledge and skills are built upon each year. Financial Education is taught alongside our Scarf Coram PSHE 'Skills for Life' Curriculum in the Spring term.
- Financial Education resource for Parents - click here.
- To find out what we teach in Financial Education, check out our Curriculum MTP tab.