Homework Matrices can be found on your child's Google Classroom
It's always wonderful to see your child's homework projects, where they have extended their learning at home.
Please continue to send in your child's homework so that they can share this with their peers and adults in school.
Remember, 'It takes a village to raise a child', so a big thank you to our parents and carers for supporting their child's education at home each evening.
Additional daily homework:
- Daily reading (write it in your diary to work towards your reading award)
- Doodle Maths online (Year 1 - 6)
- Spelling Shed online (Year 1 - 6)
- Reading Plus online (Year 3 - 6)
Homework Curriculum Overviews
Please click on the links for Curriculum Overviews for each year group.
- Summer Homework - Reception to Year 6 (Summer 1 2024)
- Spring Homework - Reception to Year 6
- Autumn Homework - Reception to Year 6