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Our music provision is supported by Chiranga Music Scheme and Surrey Arts. 

Different classes learn different instruments across the course of an academic year:


Yr 2 Recorders

Yr 3 Ukulele

Yr 4 Ukulele

 Yr 5 Clarinet


Here is a set of useful step-by-step resources to help you support your child at home. How about learning to play some of the songs with an adult?


Our Year 3 and 4 children have a dedicated 1-hour slot each week to learn how to play the ukulele with Surrey Arts


  • Rocksteady provide peripatetic rockband lessons to 15% of our pupils in weekly slots.

Together with Music Intergenerational charity project

  • Throughout the year our children liaise with our local nursing home, to entertain them through music.
  • We work with a charity called Together with Music

Voice in a Million

Our junior choir goes to Wembley and takes part in a charity event called Voice in a Million and sings with thousands of children.